«Free men and women, noble jarls, welcome to my great hall, take your ease! On the golden waves of friendship, by the foam of the grey seas, I will share with you the adventurous destiny of a young Viking who was destined for success and who was the plaything of the Norns, gods, goddesses and strange creatures. Listen to the saga of Ingvarr the Forsaken...»
«That’s it, the magic of the tale works and all that’s left to do is to let yourself be carried away by
this voice, a little loaded, it must be said, but oh so bewitching and mischievous.» - Avis Babelio
«In short, the originality and the quality of writing of this novel make it a must-read that I can
only urge you to discover whether you like Vikings or not! Just sit back and let the story unfold...»
- Babelio’s opinion
«Free men and women, noble jarls, welcome to my great hall, take your ease! On the golden waves of friendship, by the foam of the grey seas, I will share with you the adventurous destiny of a young Viking who was destined for success and who was the plaything of the Norns, gods, goddesses and strange creatures. Listen to the saga of Ingvarr the Forsaken...»
«That’s it, the magic of the tale works and all that’s left to do is to let yourself be carried away by
this voice, a little loaded, it must be said, but oh so bewitching and mischievous.» - Avis Babelio
«In short, the originality and the quality of writing of this novel make it a must-read that I can
only urge you to discover whether you like Vikings or not! Just sit back and let the story unfold...»
- Babelio’s opinion
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